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ABB Magmaster


To connect ot an ABB Magmaster meter, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Use a ACC-CAB-M15-M-5 flying lead cable between the Wildeye datalogger and MagMaster meter

  2. Connect ACC-CAB-M15-M-5 grey wire to MagMaster “F OUT A” terminal

  3. Connect ACC-CAB-M15-M-5 black wire to MagMaster “PLS0V” terminal

  4. Enable & configure the frequency/pulse output of the MagMaster. Refer to MagMaster Operation Manual p19. This process will require connecting a PC to the MagMaster via the 9pin D-type serial/RS232 connector.



Installation manual:

Operation Manual:

Diagram on p12 of Installation Manual:


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