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EnviroPro soil moisture sensors - ACC-SEN-EP100-xxx

Part Numbers

  • P50499-01 - ACC-SEN-EP100G-40

  • P50500-01 - ACC-SEN-EP100G-80

  • Pxxxxx - ACC-SEN-EP100G-120

  • Pxxxxx - ACC-SEN-EP100G-160

  • P50861-01 - ACC-SEN-EP100GL-40

  • P50503-01 - ACC-SEN-EP100GL-80

  • P50508-01 - ACC-SEN-EP100GL-120

  • Pxxxxx - ACC-SEN-EP100GL-160

Product Description

EnviroPro Soil Moisture Sensor in 8 variants.


  1. -EP100G = Full version (Soil moisture + Temperature + Electrical Conductivity)

  2. -EP100GL = Lite version (Soil moisture + Temperature)


  1. -40 = 40cm (16") 4 levels

  2. -80 = 80cm (32") 8 levels

  3. -120 = 120cm (48") 12 levels

  4. -160 = 160cm (60") 16 levels

ACC-SEN-EP100GL-40 (P50992)-removebg-preview.png



M12 pinSensor wire colourFunction1RedPower2BlueSDI123--4BlackGND5--

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