ACC-EXP-HTM2500LF Temperature and Humidity Sensor Installation Instructions
Product codes: ACC-SHIELD-DWR & ACC-EXP-HTM2500LF
Purpose: Used to measure air temperature and humidity levels - from this, calculated inputs can be created to measure such things as growing degree days.
Temperature and humidity sensor
Wildeye data logger
Solar panel (if rechargeable data logger is being used)
Cable ties / screws / nuts and bolts
2.5 meter long by 40mm wide pole
Take the temperature and humidity probe (ACC-EXP-HTM2500LF)

Take the Dwyer Radiation Shield as shown below out of the box (ACC-SHIELD-DWR). Make sure you keep track of the fittings that come with it - they are to be used to secure the temperature and humidity probe to the underneath part of the shield.

The temperature and humidity probe (ACC-EXP-HTM2500LF) is inserted underneath the Dwyer Radiation Shield (ACC-SHIELD-DWR). The base of the probe (closest to the cord) needs to be tightened by the right screws and fittings to the under part of the shield.

Attach the Dwyer Radiation Shield to the 2.5 meter pole which is going to fit the bracket outlined above. The temperature and humidity sensor should be attached towards the top of the pole.
Attach the temperature and humidity probe to the wildeye data logger, ensuring the M12 plugs are done up nice and tight so that no water can get in.
Secure the wildeye data logger to the same pole that the temperature and humidity sensor is attached to. Cable ties or screws can be used as long as the data logger is tightly secured.
Hold down the test button on the data logger for 5-6 seconds until the blue flashing light goes to constant blue.
If a rechargeable logger is being used, secure the wildeye data logger to the solar panel as outlined in the below image. Screws come with the solar panel that will secure the data logger to the solar panel. From there, attach the solar panel to the pole. If using screws you will want to attach the solar panel to the pole before the data logger is secured to the solar panel.

Dig a hole which is half a meter deep and 30cm in diameter.
Insert the base of the pole into the hole and fill with rapid set cement. Hold firm until the cement cures and the sensor is as level as possible sitting nicely 2 meters above the ground.

Example of a temperature and humidity sensor installed on a weather station