TE Connectivity AST 4000
Note: wildeye M12 connections are NOT compatible with the M12 connectors on pressure transducers by AST. Use M12 mating connectors (available from wildeye USA or directly from Binder USA, our supplier).
Analogue 4-20 mA
Product Code: AST4000 - _____ - _____ - __ - 4 - ___ - ___
Analogue 0-5 V
Product Code: AST4000 - _____ - _____ - __ - 1 - ___ - ___
Product Code: AST4000 - _____ - _____ - __ - 3 - ___ - ___
Product Code: AST4000 - _____ - _____ - __ - 6 - ___ - ___