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Flowcom FC100-03-K - Conversion to pulse "-01"

It is possible to convert a 4-20mA FC100-03 to a pulse Open Collector FC100-01 in the field.  Below are the hardware, wiring and programming instructions to make the changes.  Please see the image of an FC100-03 and FlowCom board drawing below for reference.


  1. Remove the 4-20mA protection board (EB420).  The red/black wires to the main board and the red/black wires from the output cable will no longer be needed along with the black wire tied to the FC100 base.

  2. The white and green wires will be moved from terminals COM and N.O. to OC+ and OC- respectively.  The brown wire on terminal N.O. will not be needed.

  3. In the programming menu make the following changes: Set 20mA-FS to 00000.  Set PLS-type to OC. 


The above changes are all that should be needed to convert to an FC100-01.  The pulse output increment can be programmed as needed.  These are the PLS-un, PLS-dp, and PLS-inc parameters.

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