Installation of Pressure Transducers (USA)
Tools required
Protective Eyewear
Latex Gloves
Dripline Hose Cutter

Installation Materials
Wildeye Pressure Transducer (part# ACC-SEN-TD6975)
Medium to high strength PVC Glue (Photo C: Christy’s Red Hot Blue Glue)
PVC Primer(Photo C: Oatey Purple Primer)
Teflon Tape
Tape Lock Tee (T-Junction) (Photo A)
You’ll need to know the size of the irrigation line you’re installing on. Use your t-junction to fit the following two PVC adapters
½” to ¾” Male PVC Adapter (Photo B)
½” to ¼” Female PVC Adapter (Photo B)

Photo A: T-Junction

Photo B: PVC Adaptors

Photo C: Oatey Purple Primer & Christy’s Red Hot Blue Glue
Put on protective eyewear and latex gloves
Starting with the PVC primer coat the smooth outside surface of the ½” to ¼” Female PVC Adapter. Then take the ½” to ¾” Male PVC Adapter by the threads and coat the inside of the adapter with PVC Primer. Next, use the PVC Glue and coat the surfaces previously primered. Immediately after you have coated the PVC adapters with glue, Insert and twist the ½” male end into the ½” female end. Set aside for 15 minutes.
Measure two (2) inches of drip tape, where you plan to install the pressure transducer. Cut the section away perpendicular to the irrigation line.
Screw the Tape Lock Tee onto the joined PVC Female and Male adapter.
Wrap the threads of the pressure transducer with Teflon Tape.
Screw in the pressure transducer into the joined PVC Female and Male Adapter.
Screw the Tape Lock Tee onto the irrigation line, secure to post so that the pressure transducer is vertical against the ground.