Rain Gauge Mounting - Importance of Correct Installation
Please see Davis rain collector instructions for further details about installation and general background.
When installing a Davis Rain Gauge it is very important that it is installed correctly in order for rainfall data to be as accurate as possible. There needs to be no movement whatsoever in the rain gauge during weather events. If installed high up on a flimsy pole, wind can cause the gauge to wobble and therefore trigger the self-tipping mechanism when there has been no water pass through it, resulting in nonsense data.
Installing the rain gauge on the ground is the best way to stop movement. This can be done by attaching the rain gauge to a concrete slab or paver which lies on the ground surface. This will mean there is no movement caused by wind and therefore rainfall data will be accurate. The lower you have your gauge to the ground, the less susceptive your gauge will be to wind.
Furthermore, it is important to make sure that the rain gauge is perfectly level because if it is not level it will mean that it will fill unevenly and to wrong volume resulting in inaccurate rainfall data. The image below outlines how you can get your rain gauge level. The bubble should fall perfectly within the black circle.

Ensure your rain gauge is at least twice the height of a near by object away from that object as outlined below. For example, if a tree is 10 meters high, ensure your rain gauge is set up 20 meters away from the tree. This will ensure that the object will not impact any rain that falls towards the gauge during windy conditions.