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Meter Group Teros 10/11/12 (GS1/GS3) Installation

Installation steps

1. Excavate soil to required depth

This can be as simple as digging a shallow hole. Assistance in the form of hand tools (such as shovels and hand-augers) or mechanical assistance (post-hold diggers, excavators, etc.) will help you dig to the required depth.

2. Insert sensors at desired location(s)

Simply push your wildeye sensor probes into the wall of the excavated hold at the required depth(s). The depth at which you choose to install your wildeye sensors will be determined by what you're wanting to achieve and your site-specific factors such as crop-type and root-type, crop stage, soil profile, etc.

3. Backfill the excavation

Take care to backfill the excavation so that it is as close to the original state as possible in terms of soil layering and bulk-density/compaction.

4. Activate your Wildeye

Push-button activation and on-site setup via our simple mobile app will have your data online in a few seconds.

The Wildeye smartphone app will take you through the installation process with helpful information and suggestions regarding your specific situation - download yours today.

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