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In-Situ Level TROLL 400,500,700 & Baro TROLL

Insitu 400,500,700 depth gauges have built in dataloggers and come supplied with multiple interfaces. The Baro TROLL logger is a barometric pressure logger for compensation of absolute level sensors also with convenient SDI12 interface. 

A single wildeye can interface to an absolute Level TROLL and the Baro TROLL for compensation. 

The Insitu RuggedCable is used to connect the sensor to the logger, see diagram below. 


The instrument can be connected to a data logger or controller via a stripped-and-tinned RuggedCable System for communication using one of the following protocols.

  • Analog (4-20 mA)

  • SDI-12

  • RS485 Modbus

  • RS232 Modbus (with a customer-supplied converter)

For use with Wildeye, purchase the "Stripped and Tinned Rugged Cable System with female connector". 


4-20mA or SDI12 are the preferred interfaces:



RuggedCable has diameter:

TPU: 6.7 mm (0.265 in.)
Tefzel: 6.35 mm (0.25 in.)

Choose wildeye field connect: ACC-CON-M12-5POS-F-8


Output options: Modbus/RS485, SDI-12, 4-20 mA

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