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Sierra Instruments Innovasonic 203 Flow Meter


Meter Connections

Tools Required:

  • Small flathead screwdriver

Pulse Output

  • Meter Models Applicable: ALL

  • Wildeye Connection Type: ACC-CAB-M12-M-5

4-20mA Output

  • Meter Models Applicable: ALL

  • Wildeye Connection Type: ACC-CAB-M12-M-5

Meter Programming

Pulse Output

Each time the flow meter reaches a unit flow, it may generate a totalizer pulse output to a remote counter. The totalizer pulse output can be transmitted through OCT or Relay output. Therefore, configure OCT or Relay accordingly.

  1. In Menu M33, select the flow unit: “Gallons (Gal)”.

  2. In Menu M34, select the scale factor:

    • “x1000”: suitable for flow rates up to 600,000 GPM maximum

    • “x100”: suitable for flow rates up to 60,000 GPM maximum

    • “x10”: suitable for flow rates up to 6,000 GPM maximum

    • “x1”: suitable for flow rates up to 600 GPM maximum

  3. In Menu M79, select: “3. Net totalizer pulse output”.

4-20mA Output

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