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Warranty terms

Standard warranty terms

From 1 January 2024, our standard warranty terms are as follows:

Product category


Rechargeable loggers (WILD-M-R)

2 year warranty

Battery powered loggers (WILD-M-B)

2 year warranty on both hardware and battery under normal operating conditions:

  • Upload frequency >= 1 day

  • Logging frequency >= 15min for counters and >=2hr for SDI12 and Analogue inputs

  • Total sensor power draw <= 100mA

  • Sensor stabilisation time <= 1s

  • Avg power draw per upload < 1mAh (This represents signal strength and stability)

Expanders (ACC-EXP)

2 year warranty

All other products

1 year warranty

Future network operability

No warranty is given for continued cellular data services in the area where our product is deployed

Replacements under warranty

A device replaced under warranty will inherit the balance of the warranty on the device being replaced.

Replacements outside of warranty

Replacements outside of warranty are sold at 50% discount to list price and will get a full 2 year warranty - just like any other paid sale.

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