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Where to install Soil Moisture Sensors

It's important to choose the right location to install your Wildeye so that you get readings which accurately represent the area you are monitoring. 

If you are monitoring areas that are substantially different (e.g. different soil type), you should consider monitoring each of these areas with a separate Wildeye.

Tips on selecting a location:

  • Choose a location with a soil type and general conditions that are representative of the entire area that you plan to monitor.

  • Avoid areas that have lots of rocks, roots or air gaps. These may interfere with the sensor readings.

  • If the mobile signal is weak on your farm, choose a location that has the best signal.

  • Select a location that is not located on the edge of the field where often plants are susceptible to dwarfing due to watering and environmental factors. 

  • If you are monitoring for a specific scenario e.g. effluent disposal then you should install in the area that is most likely to experience that scenario. 

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