API Documentation
This document is intended for experienced developers and technical professionals who are familiar with the purpose and function of APIs, as well as general programming principles. If you are not confident in your understanding of API usage, integration, or the foundational concepts of software development, this document may not be suitable for your needs. Incorrect implementation based on an incomplete understanding can lead to unexpected behaviors, errors, or system vulnerabilities. Please consult with a knowledgeable developer or technical expert before proceeding.
The Wildeye API allows users to extract time-series information recorded by Wildeye. It supports providing information on the type of data the time-series represents, and the measurements.
The API current does not support any form of aggregation of the time-series information.
Base URL: https://api.mywildeye.com
The API uses JWT Bearer token authentication. A token (API Key) can be obtained from a client administrator through Wildeye’s web interface. The token (API Key) provides access control restrictions to the set of Clients, set of Groups, or set of Sites that can be access via the API.
Include the token (API Key) in the Authorization
header of your request.
See this API Keys for how to setup API keys.
Example Header:
Authorization: Bearer <your-token>
Endpoint for Testing Authentication:
Description: Verifies if the authentication header is correct.
200 OK
Response Example:
authenticated pong (id, ...) (clientId, ....) (nbf, ....) (exp, .....) (iat, .....)
API Rate Limits
Currently, there are no enforced rate limits on API usage. However, we reserve the right to implement rate limits or restrict access if we detect excessive usage or abuse. To ensure continued access, we encourage responsible usage of the API.
Date Formats
Dates and times returned via the API will all be in UTC.
"lastUpload": "2025-01-10T20:02:21.31",
Dates and times used in the query string are in UTC. It is not required to send through the time component of the date, if a time component is not supplied it will default to midnight.
Data Model
: UUID of the site. STRINGname
: Name of the site. STRING NULLABLEprojectReference
: Project reference stored against the site. STRING NULLABLElastUpload
: Date and time of the last upload received. STRING DATE/TIME NULLABLEdeviceId
: Device ID associated with the site. STRING NULLABLEgps
: Location of the site. GPS NULLABLEdisplayTimezone
: Timezone information is displayed in for this site. TIMEZONE NULLABLEclient
: Client the site belongs to. CLIENT NULLABLEinputs
: List of inputs at the site. INPUT NULLABLEcustomFields
: List of custom fields and their values. CUSTOM FIELD
: Latitude DOUBLElongitude
: Longitude DOUBLE
Time Zone
: Offset of the time zone from UTC. STRINGfollowsDST
: Indicates if the time zone follows daylight savings time or is a fixed offset from UTC. BOOLEAN
: UUID of the client. STRINGname
: Name of the client. STRING NULLABLE
: UUID of the input. STRINGname
: Name of the input. STRING NULLABLElogical
: Logical name of the input. STRING NULLABLEscada
: Scada ID tag for the input. STRING NULLABLEloggingInterval
: Interval for logging in seconds. DOUBLEunit
: Unit of measurement. STRING NULLABLEcategory
: Category of the measurement. STRING NULLABLEsensor
: Sensor name for the input. STRING NULLABLEsensorType
: Sensor type for the input. STRING NULLABLEcustomFields
: List of custom fields and their values. CUSTOM FIELD
Input Measurement
: UUID of the input. STRINGmeasurements
: List of measurements for the referenced input. MEASUREMENT NULLABLE
: Timestamp of the measurement. STRINGvalue
: Value recorded at the time. DOUBLE
Custom Field
: Name of the custom field. STRINGvalue
: Value of the custom field. STRING
Available Endpoints
Description: Checks if the service is alive.
200 OK
Response Format: STRING
Response Example:
Description: Fetches available categories for the user.
Response Format: Array of STRING
Response Example:
JSON[ "Electric Conductivity - Soil", "Moisture - Soil", "Rain", "Signal strength - device", "Soil Moisture", "Temperature - Soil", "Unknown" ]
Description: Fetches a list of sites and their associated inputs.
Response Format: Array of SITE
Response Example:
JSON[ { "id": "32525cb8-1934-4bcf-a5c8-c7fdfc6671c5", "name": "North Pole", "projectReference": null, "lastUpload": "2025-01-10T20:02:21.31", "deviceId": "op999999", "gps": { "latitude": 90.000, "longitude": 0.000 }, "displayTimezone": { "offset": "+10:00", "followsDST": true }, "client": { "id": "8d6e9408-c086-429e-b995-448196610c06", "name": "Santa Services Limited" }, "inputs": [ { "id": "2bc976f0-f2ac-48f7-a1b3-09e21d0845ed", "name": "NACS #1 - 4-20mA Analogue", "logical": "A1", "scada": null, "loggingInterval": 0, "unit": null, "category": null, "sensor": null, "sensorType": null, "customFields": [] }, { "id": "eba49c05-f2ac-472d-85ec-b0981cda84d5", "name": "NACS #2 - 4-20mA Analogue", "logical": "A2", "scada": null, "loggingInterval": 0, "unit": "", "category": null, "sensor": null, "sensorType": null, "customFields": [] }, { "id": "8c9239ec-2a8a-40b0-8182-b0981cda84d5", "name": "NACS #1 - Counter", "logical": "C1", "scada": null, "loggingInterval": 0, "unit": "", "category": null, "sensor": null, "sensorType": null, "customFields": [] }, { "id": "8c9239ec-297c-40b0-a8d7-68141ed869b7", "name": "Precipitation", "logical": "C2", "scada": null, "loggingInterval": 600, "unit": "", "category": null, "sensor": null, "sensorType": null, "customFields": [] }, { "id": "7706c201-43c9-b5e8-b327-233175c5f7d8", "name": "Signal Strength", "logical": "RSRP", "scada": null, "loggingInterval": 0, "unit": "dBm", "category": "Signal strength - device", "sensor": "Default", "sensorType": "Default", "customFields": [] }, { "id": "73344c201-b5e8-45eb-b5e8-9b12342d0855", "name": "Soil Moisture", "logical": "3S", "scada": null, "loggingInterval": 3600, "unit": "", "category": "Unknown", "sensor": "Soil sensor (8 level)", "sensorType": "EnviroPro soil moisture probes", "customFields": [] }, ..... ], "customFields": [ { "name": "License", "value": "1234567" } ] }, .... ]
We support three types of filters to retrieving measurements at present. The filters are applied in the query
parameter and query by Input Category, Input Id, or Device Id. Each of these allows you to pass an array for filtering. You can not combine the filters in a single request.
By Device Ids:
query=deviceids=['op999999', 'op999998', 'op999997']
By Input Ids:
query=ids=['73344c201-b5e8-45eb-b5e8-9b12342d0855', '8c9239ec-297c-40b0-a8d7-68141ed869b7']
By Categories:
query=categories=['Wind Speed', 'Rain', 'Signal Strength - device']
Paginated Results
Measurement results are paginated into pages of 10,000 results. If you are querying for a large range of data from the API your client will need to support paging through the results. Pass the page
parameter in the query string to request a specific page of results.
Measurements based on time range
Query Parameters:
: Query string (e.g.,ids=[...]
: Start date-time (optional, defaults to 1 day ago).end
: End date-time (optional).page
: Page number for pagination.
Response Format: Array of INPUT MEASUREMENT
Response Example:
JSON[ { "id": "d18bca39-4ff9-40e8-8596-2b690a55b064", "measurements": [ { "time": "2024-03-07T04:31:00", "value": -10.43 }, .... ] }, .... ]
Latest Measurements
Query Parameters:
: Query string (e.g.,ids=[...]
: Number of latest measurements (optional).page
: Page number for pagination.
Response Format: Array of INPUT MEASUREMENT
Response Example:
JSON[ { "id": "029c99f0-f53a-4e05-bb86-1db8dc19f634", "measurements": [ { "time": "2024-03-07T04:31:00", "value": -10.43 } ] } ]
How to Retrieve Measurements
By Device IDs:
Query:deviceids=['op74525', 'op70449']
Example Request:CODEGET /api/v1/measurements?query=deviceids=['op74525','op70449']
By Categories:
Query:categories=['Wind Speed']&start=2024-10-07
Example Request:CODEGET /api/v1/measurements?query=categories=['Wind Speed']&start=2024-10-07
By Input IDs:
Example Request:CODEGET /api/v1/measurements?query=ids=[9e33b4a4-6b98-40dc-88f0-761057e76940]
Latest 5 measurements from an Input ID :
Example Request:CODEGET /api/v1/measurements/latest?query=ids=[9e33b4a4-6b98-40dc-88f0-761057e76940]&count=5
Swagger Documentation
We have attached the Swagger documentation below. This can be viewed in opened and viewed in https://editor.swagger.io/ , or used to generate an API client with software development tools.
Insomnia Collection
We have also created a collection of Insomnia requests, that can both aid in development, and testing the API.
Insomnia Document & Collection - 2024-11-27.json