SSI Technologies P51 Pressure Gauge
Note: wildeye M12 connections are NOT compatible with the M12 connectors on pressure transducers by SSI Technologies. Use M12 mating connectors (available from wildeye USA or directly from Binder USA, our supplier).
Wiring Guide for 4-20 mA output
SSI product code: P51 - ___ - ____ - ____ - 20mA
First segment | Product family: should be "P51" |
Second segment | Pressure range: consult supplier. Be sure to calibrate. |
Third segment | Port configuration: consult supplier |
Fourth segment | Connection: must be leaded end. Acceptable values are "6", "12", "18","24","36", "72" If the sensor has an M12, Deutsch, Packard, or MD connector; cut wire and strip insulation to make leaded end. M12 on wildeye will NOT be compatible with M12 on product. |
Fifth segment | Output = "20mA" |

Wildeye compatibility
Wiring instructions valid for -NACS, -MAC, -MAS, -MA, -MAA wildeye leads. For all other analogue leads, consult pinout for that lead.
Wiring Guide for voltage output (0.5-4.5V)
SSI product code:
P51 - ___ - ____ - ____ - 4.5V
P51 - ___ - ____ - ____ - 4.5OV
First segment | Product family: should be "P51" |
Second segment | Pressure range: consult supplier. Be sure to calibrate |
Third segment | Port configuration: consult supplier |
Fourth segment | Connection: must be leaded end. Acceptable values are "6", "12", "18","24","36", "72" If the sensor has an M12, Deutsch, Packard, or MD connector; cut wire and strip insulation to make leaded end. M12 on wildeye will NOT be compatible with M12 on product. |
Fifth segment | 4.5V, 4.5OV |

Wildeye compatibility:
Wiring instructions valid for -MV, -MV2S, -MV2C, -MV2 and -MV2V2 leads. For other voltage leads, contact wildeye USA.
Wiring Guide for voltage output (1-5V)
SSI product code: P51 - ___ - ____ - ____ -5V
First segment | Product family: should be "P51" |
Second segment | Pressure range: consult supplier. Be sure to calibrate |
Third segment | Port configuration: consult supplier |
Fourth segment | Connection: must be leaded end. Acceptable values are "6", "12", "18","24","36", "72" If the sensor has an M12, Deutsch, Packard, or MD connector; cut wire and strip insulation to make leaded end. M12 on wildeye will NOT be compatible with M12 on product. |
Fifth segment | 5V |

Wildeye compatibility:
Wiring instructions valid for -MV, -MVS, -MVC, and -MVV leads. For other voltage leads, contact wildeye USA.