4-20mA Analogue Channel Details
For detail specifications on the Wildeye 4-20mA channel, jump to 4-20mA Channel Details
Wildeye M12 "Field Connect" Wiring
M12 Field Connects are available in 3 different sizes to suit the thickness of the cable coming from your meter/sensor:
ACC-CON-M12-5POS-M-3 - For meters/sensors with output cable thickness 2.5-3.5mm diameter
ACC-CON-M12-5POS-M-6 - For meters/sensors with output cable thickness 4-6mm diameter
ACC-CON-M12-5POS-M-8 - For meters/sensors with output cable thickness 6-8mm diameter

Wildeye M12 "Bare Wire" Cable Wiring
Order part ACC-CAB-M12-M-5 "M12 Bare Wire Cable" for connecting to meter/sensors with terminal block connections.

4-20mA Channel Details
The 4-20mA channel inputs are designed to read from 4-20mA sensors that are powered either from the switched power output source on the wildeye itself (loop powered) or from an external permanent power source.
The 4-20mA inputs on a wildeye are generally intended to read sensors that are both powered and read from the wildeye, therefore the 4-20mA device itself is powered from the wildeye SPO. Current loop sensors requiring permanent power can be supported, for further details refer to Permanently Powered Sensors.
Powering from the Wildeye SPO creates a stand-alone system fully battery powered and isolated from other noise sources and from ground. Telemetry communications are entirely wireless through the Wildeye's cellular modem, and setup is performed entirely through the mobile install app or website.
General Characteristics of the wildeye 4-20mA channel:
Single-ended (must form the last device in a 4-20mA loop if there are more than one device reading the sensor output)
200 ohm input impedance (takes 0.8-4V from the SPO 12V supply, see note below)
16-bit resolution, with 1% accuracy
SPO fixed at 12V (Other voltages available, for more detail see Output Power)
Tolerant to 9V permanent over-voltage applied to the 4-20mA channels

Diagram of 4-20mA loop powered setup
Be aware that due to the 200 ohm input impedance, up to 4V of the 12V supply is “lost”, leaving the sensor with only 8V. Please ensure that your sensor is rated down to 8V.
To ensure the attached 4-20mA sensor is compatible with the wildeye, the SPO stabilisation time must be set to ensure the sensor device has enough time to power up and stabilize it's output before it is sampled. The sensor device will then powered-down again.
The stabilization time for each 4-20mA channel is programmed through the website interface. See Calibrating 4-20mA Analogue Channel for more info.
Some industrial 4-20mA sensor devices are not suited to low-power operation as they have long stabilization times, in which case the sensor should be operated permanently on and powered from an external power source, not the Wildeye SPO source.
Sensor Setup
Setting up a 4-20mA sensor on your Wildeye is simple:
Check to see if your sensor has built-in support with the Wildeye Add Sensor tool. If your sensor is already supported, it is a simple case of choosing the sensor and selecting the SDI-12 address.
If the sensor is not supported via Add Sensor, you can build your 4-20mA sensor setup using standard range and stabilisation time setup. For further details see here.