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Control Setup & Wiring for Yaskawa P1000 VFD

Pump Setup

Yaskawa P1000 VFD

There are 3 parts to setting up the Yaskawa P1000 for pump control:

  1. Wiring up the Wildeye relay control module to control the pump

  2. Configuring the P1000 to accept control from the "external run source".

  3. Attaching the pump monitoring feedback 

Wiring the Wildeye Relay Control

Wire the 2 relay control lines from ACC-CTRL-RELAY-S into the Yaskawa P1000 as shown below (green and blue wires)


Yaskawa Wiring Detail

Wildeye Relay control module (3-core cable) -> P1000 Terminal block

Wildeye Relay control module




Normally Closed

Do Not Connect



Connects to "S1"


Normally Open

Connects to "SN"

Connection using older relay controller with Green & White wires:


Hooking up the Solenoid Current Switch

A solenoid current switch should be attached on PUMP SIDE the high current wire coming from the VFD module to the pump. 


Solenoid Wiring

Rainbird solenoid:

blue wire to wildeye controller "red"

brown wire to wildeye controller "blue”

Netafim 3W NO1.2 Latch 4Ohm 

(Waiting for wiring diagram from Cesar)

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