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Web Portal & Smartphone App

Configuring and interacting with Wildeye's and the data they collect does not require installation of any software. Your login credentials give you access to the Wildeye web portal and mobile phone app for Android and Apple iOS.

Wildeye software is delivered as a service and updated automatically. Each device comes with a subscription that includes IoT network connectivity, Web Portal and mobile phone App access and support.

Wildeye portal features

  • Advanced online graphing engine

  • SMS, Phone call and Email alerts

  • Mobile phone App for Android or iOS

  • User management and auditing

  • API & Data exporting

  • Mapping engine

  • Site Photos and Notes

  • Manual data input though mobile app

  • Sensor & Graph Templates for easy setup

  • All device configuration done remotely through Web Portal

  • Device swap tool for fast hardware upgrades and replacements

  • Data archiving feature for reuse of hardware at another site.

  • Enterprise Data center

  • Automatic device firmware updates

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