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Permanent Soil Moisture Monitoring

Real-time Data from Profiling Soil Moisture Probes for Irrigated & Permanent Plantings

Wildeye multi-level soil moisture monitoring products combine the renowned Wildeye telemetry and software platform with rugged, accurate and reliable capacitance soil moisture probes for collection of detailed soil information (water content, temperature and EC/salinity) throughout soil profiles.

These sensors are ideally suited to any application requiring long-term soil profile measurements, such as tree crops, vineyards, turf & sports grounds and many other applications where detailed measurements throughout a soil profile are required.

Connectivity is managed by the award-winning Wildeye 4G IoT telemetry device. Data is accessible through the Wildeye portal from where it can be viewed and exported.  Scroll down to view complete specifications. 



  • High quality profiling soil moisture probe of length 40cm, 80cm, 120cm or 160cm

  • Pressure Transducer for monitoring irrigation time-of-use and identifying faults in the irrigation system (2m lead, extendable)

  • Wildeye 4G IoT telemetry device

  • Solar panel with Wildeye mounting bracket

  • Outdoor 3dB Antenna, 5m extension for optional elevation


Installation requires 4G IoT signal is available at site, and the Wildeye phone app must be downloaded and used to capture data during the installation. 

Wildeye’s network of staff and distribution partners are experienced soil scientists and agronomists, with a fixation on technology to help farmers, and unmatched collective soil moisture probe installation experience. Nobody is better placed than Wildeye to ensure your valuable sensors are installed right.


  • Tree-crops

  • Vineyards

  • Turf & Sports Grounds

  • Golf Courses


Web-connectivity uses open-standard Cat-M1 or NB-IoT on 4G cellular networks.

Wildeye packages utilize telco-delivered cellular networks to avoid reliance on first-generation radio networks and technologies that are delivered and maintained by small businesses.

Software & Data Access

Data from Wildeye products is available on-demand via web services including web-based software, our industry-leading smartphone app, as well as via “push services” such as email and SMS alerts.


Wildeye are the leaders in IoT product support - and with 50,000 IoT devices deployed around the world we have to be! Remote support is included in all Wildeye packages, giving you access to a team of dedicated support professionals located in time zones around the world, to help ensure your IoT installations continue to operate reliably for years to come. We employ industry leading support delivery/ticketing system software to ensure your support requests are followed through to completion in a timely manner.




Data Upload Frequency

2-Hourly Standard 

(Up to maximum 5-minute for real-time option)

Data Sampling Frequency

30 minutes standard (all soil probe & pressure parameters)

Water Protection Level


- all package components must be combined and assembled correctly

- The Wildeye will sample from sensors while submerged but cannot transmit. Sampled data is saved and will be transmitted once transmission is restored.

Soil Probe Operating Temperature Range

-20°C to +60°C

Soil Probe Sensor Ranges


Volumetric Water Content: 0% VWC to 50% VWC 

Soil Temperature: -20°C to +60°C

Bulk Conductivity: 0 to 4 dS/m

Soil Probe Accuracy

Volumetric Water Content: ±2% @ 0% VWC to 50% VWC (against factory reference)

Soil Temperature: ±1 °C (±1.8 °F) @ 25 °C

Bulk Conductivity: ±5% @ 0 to 4 dS/m and 10% to 30% VWC

Soil Probe Size

Diameter: 33.5mm (1.32in) 

Length: 40cm (16in), 80cm (32in), 120cm (48in), 160cm (64in)

Pressure Transducer

AU/NZ Interface: G¼ A female (AU/NZ), ¼” NPT (USA)

Range: 0 - 200 psi (13.8 bar)

Accuracy: 1.5%  (Includes Wildeye 4-20mA channel error, 0 - 50 Degrees)

Wildeye Hardware

Wildeye 4G IoT telemetry device




(559) 290-7915

United States


New Zealand

Full contact address details

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