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Easy access to the site from PC/Desktop (less secure)

For easy access to the Wildeye site from PC/Desktop, it is possible to setup links that do not require sign-in. This is less secure because anyone who obtains the link can access the data at anytime. You clients should be notified of this before setting up these links.

For secure easy access from Android and Apple phones Download the Wildeye App. Click here for IOS ( Apple ) , or Click Here for Android for Instructions on how to do this.



  • Go to the users tab on the Wildeye website

  • Click on the name of the user to give access to.

  • Select the "Anyone with the link can access" option and then Update.

  • Key into the user, and then copy and note down the URL from the address bar. 

  • Send the URL to the client (suggested: from email).

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