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Getting Graphs Into Panel View

If you have admin access you can set up your graphs so that they are in 'Panel View'. This is particularly useful for weather stations and rain gauges where you do not necessarily need to look at the graph and rather just observe the current value. It is important to note that you will already need groups set up that contain the relevant site you plan to set up panel view for. 

Step by step process:

  1. Log in to your wildeye account using your admin details.

  2. Click on the '

Groups' tab at the top of the page. 

  1. Once on the groups page, click on the group name that you want the panel view applied to. 

  2. From there you want to select '

Grid' on the 'Data view' drop down menu.

This is shown below: 

  1. Once Grid' is selected then click on 'Update'. Your graphs within that particular group will now appear in panel view when you select the group name in the graphs tab.  

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