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Soil Moisture Gauge

The soil moisture gauge is a feature that allows you to set field water capacity, refill and stress level points and have these reflected as a 'soil moisture gauge' on the left hand side your graph.


Follow the below steps to apply the soil moisture gauge to your graph. 

  1. Check your soil moisture data is calibrated to %VWC (you will need to be logged in at admin level)

    • Go to the sites list within your login and select the spanner icon on the site the graph relates to

    • Click on the calibration of the soil moisture data

    • As shown below, select standard, enter %VWC as the unit and soil moisture as the category and then select update 

    • Repeat this for every level of soil moisture

  2. Enter your refill, full and stress levels.

    • Select the graph you would like the soil moisture gauge applied and click on it to bring the graph into interactive mode

    • Select 'SM' down the bottom of the page. This brings up the below pop up where you can enter your FWC (field water capacity), refill and stress values

    • Hit save. Ensure you also save the graph after saving your soil moisture gauge values


You will now have the soil moisture gauge applied to your graph. Please note that the values can be changed at anytime and should be constantly reviewed. 


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