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Wildeye Hardware Swaps

You may need to change the Wildeye hardware that you have installed on site (eg. you want to upgrade from 3G to 4G or your hardware has developed a fault)

A hardware swap is relatively simple to perform because all of the settings for your device are stored in the cloud. When a Wildeye is swapped, all data, inputs,  configuration and graphs from the existing logger are transferred over onto the new logger.  You just need to physically swap out the Wildeye device for a compatible replacement and then use the Wildeye app to inform the system that a swap has occurred.

Note: Our main product versions are supported through the app. If the app does not support the specific product types you are planning to swap then you may need to raise a support ticket to have the swap performed by Wildeye support.

NOTE: when we issue a replacement logger it is tracked against a specific logger ID. However, our systems do not automatically assume that the Wildeye we supply as a replacement for a given logger will actually be used to replace that specific logger. Therefore, "Hardware Swaps" are not pre-configured when replacement hardware is issued, and must be done or requested separately to the replacement process. 

Step 1

Log in the the Wildeye app and navigate to the Install section from the bottom navigation menu. Search and select the original Wildeye that you are going to remove. If the device is still functional then it is best to press the button on original Wildeye at this stage to ensure the latest data is uploaded to the cloud before the swap process is initiated. Press the blue cog button to go to the Settings page in Step 2.

Note: You need to have an Admin login to perform a Swap. If you have an Admin login then a blue cog appears next to the Wildeye status in the header.


Step 2

Select the menu option "Hardware Upgrade (Swap)


Step 3

Once you have selected the Hardware Upgrade (Swap) menu item you will be taken to the Hardware Swap page.

On this page you need to scan the QR Code of the New Wildeye that you are putting in as a replacement.

If you are performing this step from the office and are unable to scan the QR Code of the physical device, you can find the QR code for the device in the website on the header of the Site configuration page.


Step 4

Once the QR Code has been scanned then the app has all the information it needs to perform the swap.

Read this page carefully. It may provide important notes directing you which cables to swap.

 In the example screenshot, the new hardware is not able to be swapped through the app and so the "Perform Swap" button is disabled. A support ticket needs to be raised to perform the swap.

 If the swap is supported through the app then the button will be blue. Only after pressing the button will the actual swap take place.

Step 5

Ensure the sensors are connected to the new Wildeye. Press the button on the new Wildeye that has been installed. Before leaving site, check that the data is coming through as expected.

Note: Perform the swap function in the app at the same time as physically swapping the hardware. Data will be lost if there is a delay because the new device will not have the settings to log the sensors.

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