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Manually Adding, Updating or Deleting Site Input Data

This guide describes how to manually add, update or delete data readings on an existing site. If you are looking to modify more than 20 data readings refer to this article

  1. Login Wildeye 

  2. Click on the sites tab at the top of the screen.

  3. Locate the site that you want to import data into and click on it's wrench icon  on the right hand side of the window.

  4. Locate the input/sensor that you want to add data to. Click on the name of that input.

  5. Click on the "Data" tab in the box that appears.

  6. Adjust the "From:" and "To" boxes to the timeframe that you want to add data to. E.g.

  7. Update, delete or add data rows by editing the data table on the left of the screen.

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