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Calculations & Agronomic Derivations

Note: These features can only be accessed by Client Admin users. Your Wildeye devices may be managed by a third party as a service.

The Wildeye platform can automatically calculate Agronomic derivations including:

Dew point

Chill hours

Wind height adjustment

Fire danger index

Fire behaviour index

Vapour pressure

Vapour pressure deficit

Growing degree days

Growing degree hours


Volume of vertical round tank's content

Weir flow

Gubler-Thomas Powdery Mildew Risk Index per UC Davis

Gubler-Thomas Strawberry Powdery Mildew Risk Index

To setup an agronomic derivation you need to use the "Add Sensor" function in the Inputs Page



Then select the specific Agronomic Derivation you would like to add:



Once selected, you will need to map the Inputs that are required for the platform to calculate the derivation. In the above example for Delta-T, we need to select the Temperature and Relative Humidity Input that the Delta T calculation requires. 

Note that the Input list is filtered to only show supported Inputs of the required measurement category. If you find that the Input dropdown lists are blank, it is either because the site does not contain any of the required Inputs, or it may be because you have not set the measurement category in the Input calibration


The final option is to "Select Graph". This will automatically add a Graph to the Site using the selected Graph Template.

Note: Note that after adding the Agronomic Derivation, it may take a few minutes for the Wildeye platform to calculate the derivation using a calculated Input.

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