Serial Communications (MODBUS)
A Serial Communications channel is available through any Wildeye cable types that contain the "R" code.
Example: ACC-EXP-NR4 (Expander)
Serial Communications channels are designed to read MODBUS RTU digital protocol from pressure, level, environmental, process, industrial and other sensors and meters.
For the availability of other digital protocols please contact Wildeye support.
The following Serial channel options are available:
Select the appropriate accessory to attach to your meter or sensor.
See info on MODBUS Input Limitations
For meters/sensors with "bare wire" leads, select the M12 Field Connect accessory to attach to the flying lead. Wildeye M12 "Field Connect" Wiring
For meters/sensors with terminal block connections, use the M12 Bare Wire cable accessory. Wildeye M12 "Bare Wire" Cable Wiring
For detail specifications on the Wildeye Serial channel, jump to Serial Channel Details.

Wildeye M12 "Field Connect" Wiring
M12 Field Connects are available in 3 different sizes to suit the thickness of the cable coming from your meter/sensor:
ACC-CON-M12-5POS-M-3 - For meters/sensors with output cable thickness 2.5-3.5mm diameter
ACC-CON-M12-5POS-M-6 - For meters/sensors with output cable thickness 4-6mm diameter
ACC-CON-M12-5POS-M-8 - For meters/sensors with output cable thickness 6-8mm diameter
Wildeye M12 "Bare Wire" Cable Wiring
Order part ACC-CAB-M12-M-5 "M12 Bare Wire Cable" for connecting to meter/sensors

Standard Wildeye Pinouts: NACS, NAR4, NA
Field Connect pinout for connecting to standard Wildeye cable options NACS, NAR4 and NA. For a complete list of cable type pinouts click here.
Serial Channel Details
Serial channel inputs are designed to read from MODBUS sensors that are powered either from the switched power output source on the wildeye itself or from an external permanent power source.
The following Serial channel options are available:
General Characteristics of the wildeye Serial Communications channels:
Baud rate is selectable from website setup.
MODBUS register, function and read bytes are all setup from the website setup.
TTL and RS-485 options will shut-down to high impedance state when communications are off
Only the MODBUS RTU transmission mode is supported. TCP/IP, ASCII, UDP, Plus modes are not supported.
For details about how to setup a MODBUS input using the Wildeye software, see Inputs Setup - MODBUS Serial Communications
To ensure the attached Serial Communications sensor is compatible with the wildeye, the SPO stabilisation time must be set to ensure the sensor device has enough time to power up and stabilize it's output before it is sampled. The sensor device will then be powered-down again.
The stabilisation time for each Serial channel is programmed through the website interface.
Some industrial Serial Communications meters/sensors are not suited to low-power operation as they have long stabilisation times, in which case the sensor should be operated permanently on and powered from an external power source, not the Wildeye SPO source.