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Device Configuration & Setup overview

Note: These features can only be accessed by Client Admin users. Your Wildeye devices may be managed by a third party as a service..


Each Wildeye device you own is associated with a single Client. If you are a reseller of Wildeye devices then you may be able to create sub clients in your client tab and transfer a Wildeye device from your master Client to one of your sub clients.


Every client has a collection of Sites that can be managed in the Sites page. A Site is a location where data is collected with a Wildeye device (or data import). A site can only have a single Wildeye device associated with it at any one time.

All Wildeye device configuration is performed at the Site level in the Sites page. This facilitates simple upgrades or replacements of hardware at a site using the hardware swap feature in the app because all settings are stored with a site.

It is possible to archive all data at a site when hardware is moved to a different location. This will create a new site associated with the hardware to start collecting data at a new site.


A Site has a collection of Inputs that are managed through the Input settings page. Inputs store time series data collected from meters and sensors the field.

The available Inputs include the native Inputs that belong to the Wildeye hardware associated with the site, any expander Inputs that have been added with a Wildeye expander, MODBUS or SDI12 Inputs (if supported by the Wildeye device) or Calculated Inputs ( virtual Inputs that are a function of other Inputs )

Inputs have a logging frequency, Input Type and calibration settings.


Although Input settings can be managed directly, they are usually configured by adding a Sensor using the add sensor button in the Input settings page.

A Sensor is a collection of one or more Inputs settings that have been templated to support a particular manufacturer's meter or sensor.

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